My First Parachute Jump … and My Last
As a young boy, my weekends were filled with imaginary World War II battles. Nearby parks fielded the Battle of the Bulge, and the skeleton of a local …
As a young boy, my weekends were filled with imaginary World War II battles. Nearby parks fielded the Battle of the Bulge, and the skeleton of a local …
God forbids all idolatry. This prohibition is the single most repeated rule in all of Scripture; it’s the First Commandment (You shall have no other …
My dad died April 1st, 1996, almost twenty-five years ago. His theology prohibited choosing the day of death, but if he could have chosen, it would …
“For God does speak–now one way, now another–though man may not perceive it” (Job 33:14). Humanity was created to be in a relationship with …
Christianity claims we are made new through a re-birth, we are new creations with new hearts, and the walls that imprisoned us have been bulldozed. …
My leadership at my church feels fruitless; my last few sermons stank; in the first 34 weeks of this year, I published only 25 “weekly” articles; and …
Last week God shocked me with two verses spoken to one of his prophets: “You shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You …
Years ago, I went scuba diving into a shark-feeding frenzy with two of my kids. We descended sixty feet to the ocean floor, knelt in a large circle, …
I once met an elder who was in deep distress because of his faith. Six years ago, his small but growing church received tithes that exceeded two …
Charles Blondin was a famous pioneer of tightrope walking (which, if you care, is properly called “funambulism,” and which I take to mean the …
A couple years ago, the subscription sign-up for stopped working. Apparently, it had died without telling me. It accepted …
The house I grew up in belonged to a church. My father was a pastor with a relatively small salary, so every home we lived in was provided rent-free …