Discovering Intimate Theology
The mission of Beliefs of the Heart is Intimate Theology; where we meet the Person of Truth and the Person of Love; and in that personal knowledge of our Lord, we are re-created in His Image.
His Truth is more than ivory-tower head knowledge; His Love is more than momentary euphoria; and our subsequent behavior is more than Pharisaical moralism.
More not less. Because our Father wants our whole person, heart, mind, soul, and strength.
In Intimate Theology, we meet God as He reveals Himself, and in that meeting, His Name is glorified, and our
souls are satisfied.
Latest Articles
Read our articles with the idea of connecting with God, an intimacy with the eternal.
The Corrupting of The Christian Shepherd
Embracing A Transcendent Pursuit: A Journey of Spiritual Growth
Is Our Morality An Obstacle To Christianity?
The Ugliness Of Religious-Righteousness
Cornerstone Content
The following articles represent key categories of my expressions of Intimate Theology: Hearing God, Grace and Morality, Nurturing the Life of God in Us, understanding Cultural Creep, and Christian Leadership.
Hearing God: Conversation Is the Point
I Wonder If Sunday School Is Destroying Our Kids
The Secret of Connecting With Another Soul
I Wonder if Our Agendas Crucify the Life of God Within Us
When Obedience Doesn’t Make Sense
The Starving Lion
Our podcast: Beliefs of the Heart — Reflections
Hearing God in Conversation
What people have said about, Hearing God in Conversation:

Eugene Peterson
Pastor and Author
I picked up your book out of curiosity and I couldn’t put it down–and I read it straight through. (It made me late for dinner.)

Gary Wilkerson
President World Challenge
This is a remarkable book. It’s filled with humor, insight, and sound theology. I highly recommend Hearing God in Conversation.

Wayne Jacobsen
Pastor and Author
If you want to grow in your ability to recognize how God makes himself known to you, I can’t recommend a better guide than Sam’s Hearing God in Conversation.
Learn about: Is Sunday School Destroying Our Kids?
Don’t worry, I don’t think it is. But it can. God is calling us into an child-like intimacy with the Father which we need to continually soak in. We need an Abba and we need the Father.
What is the difference between Christianity and mere morality?
The world needs morality. Oppression thrives when consciences are abandoned. But we need more than morality. We need the gospel of grace.
How do we grow in grow in grace without abandoning morality; how can we be moral without becoming moralistic, and how do we grow in morality through a grace-fueled life?
Join thousand of readers who have delighted in this story-filled, thought-provoking book on grace, and who have grown closer to their Father.

What are people saying?
This is the best book I’ve read in a long time (and I read a lot of books). — LH
This is the most brilliant book I have read recently. I feel like I highlighted almost everything, because everything was wonderfully insightful and thought provoking … Thank you very, very much for this substantial book. — Jolene
Will be reading and re-reading this great book all throughout my life. – Jinwoo
This book is a must-read for every Christian, whether they are a new convert or a seasoned saint! — Michelle
Other Resources
To complement the articles and books above, Beliefs of the Heart offers these additional resources to help readers connect with God.

We have a growing library of podcasts called “Campfire Conversations” that my friend Gary Barkalow and I have been creating since 2010.