Some people seem naturally courageous, like their DNA was infused with risk at birth. And others seem born afraid of their shadows. Is this true? Are the courageous always courageous, and are the rest of us really scaredy cats?
Every person we meet has a deep, heart-level, fear; and at times fear paralyzes us.
What hope—and what help—do we have?
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Sam – Thanks for the post and for the topic. I enjoyed hearing you tell the opening story again.
When you were asking us to consider the courage of Jesus and the “cup” he faced, I thought of one of my favorite verses, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). From the perspective of courage, his goal was the “joy set before him” giving him the inspiration to endure. Even better, we get to be part of the picture of joy. Quite the victory!
Hi Mark, thanks for reminding us of that Hebrews 12:2 verse. It is one of my all time favorites. Because it says so much of his love for us. After all, what joy did the Son of God lack before the cross? He had glory, power, love of His Father, comfort, wealth (owning heaven is pretty cool…); so, what “Joy” could Jesus have lacked? It was us. We were the joy for which endured the shame and pain of the cross.
Now, if I can just move that understanding from my head to my heart!
Hi Sam,
I’m still pondering on what my heart’s deepest fear is; there are so many…
But early on in my reflections I realized this. My job is to serve His People as a Law Enforcement officer. While doing so I encounter many and frequent perilous situations. But what I fear more than these life-threatening situations is humbling myself and admitting that I need His help. I need it in my marriage, in my job, in every facet of my life. And to admit that to him, and to you all, is very distressing to me.
I still have not found my most feared thing, but the journey to that finding has already been enlightening.
Blessing to all,
My life’s greatest fear?? Standing before my God and Savior and not able to give account for what He has given me, instructed me to do. That, my friend, is one thing that drives me to pursue the “Wild at Heart” message, and to share it with other men. See you soon, Lyle