Something inside us generates a deep longing for significance and substance. Yet almost every one of us feels ephemeral, we sense fleetingness, as though we are one more wave on the beach. So we struggle for splendor. And that struggle itself becomes our undoing. It creates a downward spiral into despair and darkness.
Our struggle for glory becomes an addiction.
See how it works and how we can overcome.
(WARNING TO CHILDREN: Do not do this at home! And no animals were hurt in the production of this video.)
[wpvideo nL8Jy8R4]
Video length: 3 minutes 35 seconds
This was really good, I felt like we were driving to a retreat in CO together and you were making sense of all my scares.
Thanks for the comment. I suspect that if we had been driving like that in Colorado, talking about scars, I would have crashed on some mountain trail and given us both deeper scars!
I thot ephemeral was an artery in my leg someplace…thanks for clearing that up. it’s a feeling. I am feeling rather ephemeral not having these videos every day….keep em comin 🙂 ybic
No, I was talking about F. M. Mural, an artist that paints sides of building with pictures that last only a brief time.
But, yes, ephemeral, I should have used that word…
🙂 And…what does ybic mean?
Go Sam!
I love your heart to keep us all looking to where we’re really going… Glory.
Keep these coming. Helpful reflections on the nature of addiction and the spiral effect. Good check for my own motivations, and what living for God’s glory can mean. I wanted to have one camera on the road though – I’m thinking – don’t look at me, keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel!
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for the comment.
Okay, here is the deal. I wanted the video to feel like a conversation; me the driver, and the viewers as the passenger. But safety was also a concern. I plotted the route carefully and drove it a few times. Then I taped the camera and tripod to the right front of the dashboard. That way I could still see the road when looking at the camera. And finally, I drove 25-30 mph in a 55 mph zone.
All this for safety.
Then I looked at the video and almost fainted. It looked like I was going 90 mph in a 25 mph zone, it seemed like I never looked at the road, and my hands seemed to touch the steering wheel merely as an afterthought.
I actually send the video to a couple friends before publishing it—something I’d never done—for their reaction. It was the same. In fact one of them thought I had done it in a studio before a green screen and that the car wasn’t moving at all. He said: “Nobody will believe you are really driving, you obviously never look at the road.”
I felt I should include this warning with the video: “Children, do not do this at home.”
Dear Brother,
Oh, how true!! It is so easy for me to reach for something I can see and touch to solve my pain issue rather than to look to the invisible but more REAL Jesus for the significance/value I need (help my belief). I have never heard it expressed as a need for glory-something I am going to have to consider and ‘chew over’. It is an interesting way to look at our quest to un-block what is blocking our need. My struggle is always that I want the significance for me or to reflect on me rather than to have that glory flow through me for the advancement of the Kingdom and for His Glory. Oh, my sinful flesh.
As always, great message and a great theological thought-provoker.
Hope you and yours are well. You look great in the video. I miss seeing you in person.
In His Love,
Bruce :~)
Sam, I’m glad I came to the site. Thanks for putting this stuff online. It’s important and needs to be said. As for the video, I can’t imagine driving and looking into a camera! I don’t even look at my wife when I drive. You rock, man.
Had a great time with you in PA. I’m counting on God to give us more time together in the future.
Derek, it was a true pleasure to meet you this past weekend. What fun we had together. It was like we’d been a team for years.
Now if we could just get Pete to buy a REAL PC instead of that Mac!
Your friend and brother,
Loved this video. Reminds me of an article I read by by Andy Cominkey. Loved your insight with your sign and making the connection with Glory and scars. I never saw that before but that is so true. Will start to read your website and hopefully be encouraged by what you share.