When we are taught to pray, many of us are taught about praise, thanksgiving, confession, etc. But the Psalms show—and we see it in David’s life—that God wants us to do more than just pray. God wants us to pour out our hearts to him.
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Video length: 3 minutes 51 seconds
Pouring out our hearts to God
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Awesome podcast. I really enjoyed the story of the priest, that is a very rare experience. I love and need the reminder to pour my heart out to Father. I pray this podcast will result in many touches with God. So blessings to you and your family my friend.
Thanks Jeff, this post was directed at me as much as to anyone. Just this week I’ve been taking time to ‘pour out my heart’ and it has been rich. It is genuinely a different kind of prayer than thanking or asking or praising.
Dearest Sam,
How thoughtful and scriptural your messages and how pithy. I love them, in part, because have boiled down powerful insights into a short missive.
I do believe listening is a great love-gift. You gave that to the priest and you have pointed out that we can do the same thing to our God in prayer. Thanks for admonishing me as I tend not to pour out my heart to Him; figuring I can handle it by myself. How foolish of me.
Thanks, finanly, for always being a great listener yourself. I have fond memories of talking to you and having you listen attentively. You give great love gifts to your friends also; just as God does to us.
Love In Him,
Bruce :~)
You forget—conveniently!—how much life you gave me by listening to me.
I sometimes wonder how we can help others pour out their hearts; that is, how can we move beyond the passive listening when the few opportunities arise to an active reaching out to encourage others to pour out their hearts.
“I sometimes wonder how we can help others pour out their hearts; that is, how can we move beyond the passive listening when the few opportunities arise to an active reaching out to encourage others to pour out their hearts.”
Sam you already do this very well!
The moment I started listen to the message it reminded me of the 2.5 hour car ride you and I recently had. I thank God for that time, and also putting a person like you into my life.
Though in my defense it would have been a little awkward if I didn’t talk with you for 2.5 hours 🙂
Hey Nathan, that ride was great. It was the best time we’ve ever had together. Let’s do it again…although we don’t need to go on a car drive to do so!
And yes, the ride would have been awkward, and awfully quiet.
Good stuff Sam!
I believe you are right, listening is way too underrated and a tremendous gift. Few do it well and it can be practiced everyday. Seems in my life that prayer has traditionally been me talking and God listening. I’m glad to report the scales are ever so slowly tipping the other way and I’m doing more of the listening and He the talking. Ive got a long way to go but listening to God and to others seems to bring a sensitivity to my heart that without, what is it the Corinthians 13 says… Oh yea, “I’m a loud symbol”. Listening and loving must be connected.
Ouch! Bringing in 1 Corinthians 13 is painful! I love the “listening and loving must be connected” comment. It can seem like psychobabble, but the truth is that I usually need someone’s ear more than I need their sage advice.
Thanks for the comment.
Wow Sam, great message. Listening to you reminds me that a LOT can be said in just under 4 minutes, sometimes a lot more than in a 25-minute sermon.
I am now challenged from your message to literally just pour out to God, and I will try to do that more. I always remind myself and others that when we unload, we should pour out the good as well as the bad. In Ephesians, we we’re told to pray “on all occasions”. Sure we can thank God when something fantastically wonderful happens to us or others, but how about the smaller wonderful things that happen MUCH more frequently? Nah, they’re too small for a BIG GOD! He’s only interested in BIG stuff, right? BS
You are right Sam, God wants it all. I think that is so because, in the end, God wants our hearts. And pains and joys are what it happening in our hearts so unleashing them connects God to the part of us he is most interested in.
The most powerful prayer sessions I’ve ever had have been filled with emotions and tears. When I’ve been deeply troubled and have let go of all pride and poured my pain and worry out to God, it seems that he is there to physically lift the burden off my shoulders. The more open we make our hearts to God, the more clear His answer becomes.
The use stories to illustrate your point is very effective. Even if the post runs a bit longer, it is worth it to drive home the message.
Thanks for the message Sam! I loved the story; thanks for reminding me to ask for the blessing. I spend so much time giving that many times I forget to ask for His blessing. Love you brother!