God imparts to each of us a unique and special calling; a kind of life which explicitly expresses the essence of who he made us to be. He uses our gifts (and personality, gender, education, family, etc.) but our calling is so much more.
And an enemy opposes that calling. If he can’t keep us from meeting God, he’ll keep us from becoming who we are meant to be. And one of his great weapons is to keep us from fully knowing the Father.
God is teaching me a key ingredient in me finding my calling (and you finding yours!) and I’d love to share it with you. Check out the video below.
(If you wish to know more about discovering your calling, I highly recommend It’s Your Call by Gary Barkalow. It is a must-read book.)
[wpvideo zD6c4qJV]
Video length: 2 minutes 41 seconds
The quote I reference in this clip is by A. W. Tozer:
What comes into our minds when we think of God is the most important thing about us … for we tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God.
Thanks for this insight, Sam! I’ve been reminded of this again lately, and encouraged by God to have Him frame my thoughts about himself so that I can live more freely. Great video – thanks again!
Great post Sam!
Just remember that you were the one to push me to publish my very first post. So, if they speak to you, take the credit.
If they stink, you are to blame!
Great topic Sam and an excellent message as usual. The quote you cited will work on me for a while and is quite challenging. Along the same theme of your message, how many of us view the face of God (or Jesus to be more personified) as smiling? Or do we always see his face as somber, sober, and serious?
Props to Damon for pushing Sam!
You nailed it. We don’t see the real God. We see some projection of our own, and that ain’t the real God!
Just discovered all your videos on your website. Wow these are good! The one that spoke to me today was from June…pouring out your heart to God. Great reminder. I’m takin’ that one with me today in my mind and my heart.